Accessories That Look Good In Your Living Room
In most houses, there is a special place where interpersonal relations are shared and welcome by friends and family. A place for rest, relaxation, and fun that is known to most as the living room.
So why not add some flair to the living room space where people spend most of their time, either alone or with family, friends, and pets? If you are forced to stay inside your home for months on end because of a pandemic, zombie apocalypse, or just because the world outside is covered in snow and locusts because of global warming and the apocalypse, why not spice things up and keep things interesting?
The following are three essential items for each living room that if done right will add flair, comfort, and a definite wow factor to the common area.
One: A Custom-Made Aquarium with Exotic Plants Inside and Outside of the Tank
The skies are the limit in this day and age of invention, innovation, and custom-made fish tanks so for home aquariums, if you can imagine it and have the tools, build it, or if you have the financial means, hire an artistic, crafts person to build an aquarium for you.
Believe it or not, the more attractive your tank is, the bigger the health benefits you will have because aquariums bring relaxing, exotic and beautiful wildlife in a controlled and peaceful environment right into your living room.
According to recent studies, keeping an aquarium in your living room invokes an environment of peace and serenity that promotes good physical and mental health.
Essentially, the more attractive your tank is, the greater the health benefits you will have while sitting in your living room. Keep in mind that a vibrant green, natural plant is something every living room should include.
Plants are so versatile they look awesome in any type of décor or style and all you need to do is pick the right plants for your environment but don’t stop there, install a custom made aquarium so that you, your family, friends, and house guests will not only feel relaxed in the unique natural environment you’ve created but they will also breathe in all the great stuff like oxygen that plants naturally offer besides looking pretty good.
If possible, install a fish tank right into your wall or seriously consider installing a functional antique instrument that can be altered and converted into an aquarium.
You can find an old harp, cello, or piano at antique shops and give these instruments a second life as a home for colorful fish to swim back and forth through clear glass in a safe environment that will leave your friends and family in a total state of relaxed awe and wonder.
‘There are plenty of cool freshwater fish to choose from for your aquarium. Many people think marine fish are the most interesting and colorful, but that’s not necessarily the case. There are several different species of freshwater fish that will amaze your family! Betta fish (also known as Siamese Fighting Fish) are a great example of a very popular and beautiful freshwater fish. They originate from tropical Southeast Asia, where they live in rice paddies or shallow streams. They need a well-filtered tank that's 5 gallons or more, and a gentle flow so it doesn't damage their delicate fins.
Catfish are another very popular family. There are many species of these gentle bottom dwellers, from the common Cory Catfish to the amazing Royal Whiptail Catfish. And the advantage of keeping them is they love to eat algae, so will do a great job at cleaning your tank! Cichlids are another popular family of freshwater fish that are amazing to watch. The Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid, for example, has deep orange and blue fins that look like flames as he darts about the tank! So whatever size of tank you choose, you'll find plenty of fish to excite and amaze you!'
If you use your living room as a home office and video game room, you can now get computers that double as fish tanks. Yes, it’s true, specialized computer companies now offer desktop computers that enable you to work or do research in your living room at home while enjoying the physical and mental health benefits that come with owning a fish tank.
Two: A Comfortable Couch or Sofa Sleeper to Chill Out in with Plenty of Cushions, Covers, and Throw-Pillows
A living room with the perfect cozy couch that matches your interior decor is a must for any household. If you have overnight guests, buy a sleeper sofa. Make sure it is sturdy but comfortable, and since it’s one of the biggest things in the room, you must make sure it matches the overall style of your living room.
Buy cushion covers and cushions for your couch and remember to add a few colorful throw-pillows in. What’s nice about cushion covers is that they can be easily swapped out with the seasons or changed up whenever a new trend of color hits, so your living space can constantly be updated with ease.
Essentially, cushion covers are a quick and cost-efficient way to refresh a sofa and your entire living room whenever you wish to do so. Realize also that the number of cushions you need will depend upon the size of your couch or sleeper sofa.
Usually, two or three cushions sit beautifully on a two-seater couch, while a larger three-seater sofa can hold anywhere from three to six cushions comfortably without looking overdressed and bulky. Knowing your room’s colors is the first place you want to start when shopping for cushions online. Cushions are a great way to tie everything together so look around your living room and identify colors that stand out in your chosen artwork, floor coverings, fish tank, other furniture, and decor.
The experts at Simply Cushions have set things up to easily guide you through knowing how and where to buy the right cushions to jazz up your living room. Their functional layout will enable you to use their cushion color guide to ensure that your chosen colors won’t clash in your living room preventing the possibility that your personal color choices won’t end up making things look gaudy, unless, of course, that is the very look you are going for in your living room area.
If you are sitting in your living room for long periods of the day do not forget to look at changing that old wallpaper for some stunning peel and stick wallpaper designs. This type of wallpaper is all the rage these days and can really give your home a much needed lift.
Simple Comfy Cushions
September 3, 2024 22:33
If you wish to add depth and comfort to your living room couch or sofa sleeper bed, you may combine cushion covers in different shapes, sizes, and textures that suit specific looks and contexts and layering them all together. Remember that linen and cotton are essential during warm seasons and for style and luxury, velvet can’t be beaten.
Three: A Large Screen TV With Awesome Sound System
The average screen size of television sets is now fifty-four inches. As the television has become an increasingly central part of our daily lives, its physical stature has expanded enormously in proportion, thus consuming a growing part of our living rooms just as it consumes an ever-increasing part of our lives.
Large Screen TV
September 14, 2024 20:08
Flat screens originally gave rise to console tables and media cabinets that could display works of art or souvenirs from vacations but more recently, wall-mounted units have now freed up space and allowed for airier, lighter living rooms to be enjoyed by everyone.
The living room is where friends and family come together to share quality time, so making sure that the space is comfortable makes great sense.
Though not everyone finds a television to be useful in the living room because they don’t enjoy watching TV or find it impersonal, family and guests might enjoy the practical comfort that modern televisions now provide as smart devices which can also be used for other things besides watching the usual TV channels.
If you can’t afford your home theater with stadium seating, Dolby surrounds sound, seats with cup holders, and popcorn making machine don’t worry, you can still entertain yourself and guests with the latest and greatest technology design and innovation currently available in-home television construction with top quality sound and style so you can use it to listen to your favorite songs and for that added movie theater experience.
Home Entertainment Soundbar
September 14, 2024 20:08
Get the largest screen possible to fit on your wall then transform it into a piece of art by placing a frame around it or purchase a tv that mounts flat against the wall and comes already framed to look like a picture on the wall.
Adding a one-connect box with just one cord that comes from the TV down to a box that you can stash somewhere will make it look like a picture on the wall so you have a TV when it is on and art when it is off.
Conclusion: The Living Room is the Heart of the Home
Nowadays, aquariums are aesthetically beautiful and technically challenging so, let your imagination run wild and come up with something creative and new that can turn the ordinary run-of-the-mill fish tank into an extraordinary flowing work of modern art that boggles the mind while soothing the soul of anyone who sits in your living room since studies show that aquariums relieve stress and invoke an environment of peace and serenity that promotes good physical and mental health.
On the opposite end of the spectrum, for mind-numbing entertainment, nothing beats a big-screen television. The bigger your TV screen is, the more fun it is to invite your friends and family to come over to your home so you all can enjoy watching a great movie or push through a favorite TV series marathon with them.
Finally, always keep in mind that buying a couch is an investment, so make the right choice. In the end, ask yourself if a leather or fabric sofa suits your family, or if a sectional can fit better in the living room and works best for your overall needs.