Reduce Dust and Dander Allergies In Your Home
Living with dust and dander allergies is difficult. When you are constantly sneezing, have puffy, watery eyes, and have a blocked, runny nose, you may find it challenging to carry on with your day-to-day obligations, or even relax. However, there's a way you can lessen some of these difficulties and reduce allergies with the right furniture.
Pet dander, dust mites, and pollen are some of the most prevalent allergens in the house. While they cannot be eliminated, they can be limited to ease the suffering of people who are allergic to them. If you're one million of individuals who have allergies, we've got some tips to make sure your home doesn't add to your misery. In the rest of this article, we'll go over how to reduce allergies simply by changing how you furnish and decorate your space.
Declutter Your Home
The first step you will have to take to reduce allergies is to completely declutter your home. The furniture you choose can have a significant impact on keeping your house clean and allergy-free. Avoid overstuffed furniture and avoid crowding it in any area. Provide lots of room around the pieces to allow for easy cleaning. It is critical to remove all dirt and debris regularly. By cleaning your house frequently, you will keep allergens to a minimum.
Reducing the number of furniture pieces and their size can help to reduce allergy sources. Consider getting rid of some books and collectibles that sit on your bookshelf, doing nothing but collect dust. They can play a significant factor in causing your allergies. Organized, declutter spaces are much easier to clean and maintain. So, throw away the things that you don't use and are only making clutter. Keep your nightstands free of unnecessary objects so that the air around your bed is clean.
Put Away Stuff You Don't Use
Although we have already talked about decluttering, you don't need to throw out everything you don't need at the moment. Minimalism isn't for everyone. Sometimes, you want to save old memorabilia, books, and collectibles so you can look back at them whenever you want.
However, sometimes you don't have enough room to store all your old stuff. That's why you should a storage unit. It's a much better idea to place old pieces somewhere safe than to keep them inside your home. As a bonus, your house will be clutter-free, and your stuff will be in a safe place.
Use Dust-Proof Materials
One of the most common year-round allergies is a dust allergy. So, besides avoiding dust by decluttering and cleaning, consider also using dust-proof materials. By simply choosing the right furniture, you can easily reduce allergies in your home. Those who have allergies are best off with leather and faux leather covers.
Unlike woven materials, which have microscopic holes through which dust can collect, leather or vinyl have a solid, homogeneous surface that is dust-proof and easy to clean. Purchasing a high-quality leather sofa can be costly, but the investment pays off in the long run because leather is quite durable.
Sectional leather couches look fantastic and will change the feel of the entire room. However, if you must have a woven cloth, choose one that is more densely woven.
Get Rid of Carpeting
If you have allergies, avoid carpeting. It is best to have bare floors you can wholly and promptly clean. Carpet attracts allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, mold spores, and other potentially irritating proteins. A far better option for you is cork flooring. As a bonus, cork flooring is also naturally antibacterial and fire-retardant.
However, if you have your heart set on putting on carpets, 100% wool is an excellent choice. Instead of standard wall-to-wall carpeting, choose carpet squares. Since they come in tiles, you can simply replace one little section as it wears.
While appealing, area rugs can also trap grime and dust. Thus, go for natural ones created with non-toxic colors. There are charming patterns for kids and more modern designs for every area in the house.
Pick The Right Bedding
Since pillows and mattresses can harbor allergy-causing dust mites, in your attempt to reduce allergies with the right furniture, beds will require extra attention. To start with the obvious: wash your bed sheets and pillowcases at least once a week.
It is also beneficial to encapsulate pillows and mattresses in allergen-proof covers. These covers can be made of washable cloth, but they can also be purchased as sealed, zippered plastic covers that prevent direct contact with the pillows and mattresses.
Even better, buy mattresses and pillows made from hypoallergenic material. You can easily find beautiful, youthful duvet and bedding sets that don't cause allergies if you do your research.
Before purchasing, determine what is on the mattress and ensure you are not allergic to it. Many mattresses contain latex, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. Still, it may be a viable option if you are not sensitive to latex because it does not attract dust mites.
Another thing you should consider is not to let your pets sleep on your bed. If you're allergic to your dog's or cat's hair, this should be a simple decision. Even if you don't think you're allergic, you should still avoid having them sleep in your bed.
No matter how often you wash them or they clean themselves, your dogs and cats can still carry bacteria and allergens. Spend the entire day with them, but make them go to their own beds at night. Even small steps like that can help exponentially.
Choose Furniture With Raised Base
Another way to reduce allergies with the right furniture is by choosing couches and beds with a raised base. It is a much better option than allowing the bottom to sit on the floor.
This is because the raised base keeps dust and mold from gathering beneath the furniture. It will enable it to air out and make it simple to sweep, mop, or vacuum below it regularly.
Avoid Thick Curtains and Drapes
Fabric curtains and drapes cause allergies because they keep pollen and dust particles. It's tough to clean thick drapes thoroughly, so the heavier they are – the higher the contribution to allergens.
If you must have curtains, choose ones made of light cotton. These have the advantage of being easily washed to remove any dust that may have accumulated on them. Avoid using heavy draperies or those that pool on the floor.
Also, blinds are the best window covering for an allergy-free indoor environment. However, avoid accordion-pleats. Metal Venetian blinds are preferable to Venetian wood blinds because wood can harbor mites.
Opt For Closed Shelves
Airborne dirt and filth adhere to exposed surfaces in homes, particularly in the kitchen and bathroom. Closed modules are less exposed and hence easier to deal with in such environments.
That's why it's best to opt for closed shelves rather than exposed ones. However, it would be best if you still cleaned them often to avoid too much dust settling.
Replace Your Furnace Filters
Is it time to turn on the heat? Not before you replace your furnace flyers! Dust and pet dander, for example, are allergens often found in the air ducts. To limit the quantity of hazardous indoor allergens circulating through your home, we recommend using a high-efficiency furnace filter.
It is advisable to replace your air filter every 90 days. If you have trouble remembering to do it, start replacing it with the seasons.
Be Wary of Mold
Mold allergies, although not as common as dust, are still one of the most common allergies in the world. Mold can grow in any place where organic materials and moisture come together.
Avoiding water-stained carpets, ceilings, or tiles in a home, as well as removing any moldy materials as soon as possible, are some common-sense safeguards. It would help if you also considered regular mold inspections as a way of prevention.
Check those moist places inside or under your house for dark, unnatural spots. If you see anything suspicious, check with professionals. Because many people have severe mold allergies, professionals should clean any mold as soon as possible.
Final Thoughts
Keeping your home clean and dry is possibly the most crucial step to take while attempting to reduce allergies indoors. Temperature management, as well as dehumidifiers and air purifiers, also plays a role. Even by discouraging your pets from sleeping in your bed or decluttering your home, you can relive your allergies a little.
When you know how to reduce allergies with the right furniture, your allergies will no longer dominate your life. By removing the most apparent allergens from your home, you will live freely and breathe deeply.
We hope the recommendations above will help you construct a beautiful allergy-proof house without sacrificing your taste.