Each of us probably knows a “germaphobe” who is bothered by thinking about who has touched what item. The perfect gift for them is this portable sanitizer that acts as a wand using UV rays to eradicate germs. Now the person I can think of uses the trusted can of Lysol. When traveling, the whole hotel room is Lysol-ed including the bathroom, TOILET, pillows, sheets, door handles, and mattress. Does this sound a bit extreme – maybe? Then again most of us that do not suffer from this phobia are able to not think about the mental images. If we were do go “CSI” on a hotel room for example, there might never be any guests to a hotel again. Another quick example is the table surface at your favorite restaurant or bistro. If you take your napkin out and place it in your lap, you may have to lay your clean silverware down onto a dirty table surface. This is where the portable sanitizing wand can come in handy. It is small enough to fit in a purse or briefcase and can be used quite quickly on a keyboard or other public area. It operates like a switchblade knife and when closed is 4 1/2″ long. Price: $70.