Italian furniture company Bolzan Letti brings the Tulip Bed to our eyes in this latest article from Furniture Fashion. How about the great colors? That is the first thing that strikes me is the choice of the sheets and blanket and how bold they are. The backdrop of the room has a very neutral paint hue which really makes the bedding come to life and be the center point of my focus.

The Tulip Bed has two choices for a headboard. One is the same mesh that is also used to support the mattress and frame. The other choice is a brightly colored abstract painting reminding me of a Jackson Pollock but with much brighter paint hues. It is great how the bedding has some of the same pigmentation as the headboard. That is one of the hallmarks of decorating is tying a room scheme altogether.

I do like the narrowness of the supporting legs. Steel always gives a modern feel which works well in this ensemble. It would be so easily to clean under the furniture hear with the clearance and birth given by the supporting frame.
Colorful Painted Headboard

For my preference I like the example pictured below. The design is very cool to look at and has so much life to it. The challenge I do see and recognize is that I could become tired of the print in a few years. It would be great if I could change it out or even paint my own to supplant it. That way I could have a new looking headboard all the time.

The framing pictured above is so efficient and clean. As mentioned before tidying up would be so very easy. Also, there is not much in the way that can accumulate dust. I can tell that the construction is very solid and would have no issue supporting the weight of the mattress and two adults.