Audiophiles were seen drooling at the Sound Chair concept sometimes back at the CES. Known as the Acoustic Immersion Pod, this technology marvel is available for purchase at the HAMMACHER SCHLEMMER website for a whopping $3000. This little beauty packs quite a punch with its robust six-speaker surround sound system, open-cell acoustic foam interiors, five 5 1/4″ 40-watt mid-to high-range speakers built into the pod's ceiling (providing 80 watts peak output) and one 10″ 250-watt subwoofer speaker under the seat. This Egg like design is reminiscent of the 70's styles when the hanging and pedestal based chairs taking a stab at the future were in big fashion and that style has never really gone away. We really like the vibrant colors that a fun and whimsical style like this can easily pull off. If you want to see one more outrageous model that offers big sound you may want to see this recent post about the Woofer Chair.